Service "Contentversion" unavailable after updating to EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.8.0 and db v7007



I tried updating to the latest upgrade package - update 39 but ran into some trouble.

It seems updating to EPiServer.Cms.UI.7.9.0 works good but since upgrading to EPiServer.Cms.Core.7.8.0 and EPiServer.Framework.7.8.0 and running the database upgrade to v7007 I get a server 503 error when trying to save content in edit mode. The service /cms/Stores/contentversion returns "Network error 503 service unavailable".

After a few tries the application pool crashes.

I tried doing the upgrade on a Alloy Templates website and that works as expected.

What changed in the upgrade of EPiServer.Framework.7.8.0 and EPiServer.Cms.Core.7.8.0 to have caused this?

Would be nice to solve this, as it prevents us from updating to any newer versions.


Oct 24, 2014 12:16


The latest available packages are 7.15 for the CMS core and 7.15 for the UI. Are you sure that you have installed the latest packages from the public feed?

Oct 24, 2014 13:18

That's what I did originally, and because the error occurred I tracked it back to the first database upgrade, v7007 (update 18, EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.9.0 and EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.8.0).

I now noticed that it's not only the Contentversion service, it's pretty much all the services in edit mode that fails with a server 503 error.

I'll try and install the latest packages again though, and get back to you.



Oct 24, 2014 14:47

The latest package versions I get in the Nuget feed is CMS Core 7.14.2 (not 7.15) and CMS.UI 7.15.

Oct 24, 2014 15:11

Hello again,

Tried installing the latest packages in the Nuget feed - error remains.

Oct 24, 2014 15:50

I've never seen this 503 error so it's likely that it's due to something in your code or environment. Are you experiencing this locally and can debug it? I assume that you have run the database upgrade scripts after upgrading?

Oct 24, 2014 16:12

Yes, ran the database upgrade script accordingly.

Experiencing the error in all our environments - dev, stage and prod.

Call stack:

> mscorlib.dll!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<StructureMap.Pipeline.Instance,object>>.Initialize(int capacity) + 0x66 bytes    
     mscorlib.dll!System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<StructureMap.Pipeline.Instance,object>>.Insert(System.Type key, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<StructureMap.Pipeline.Instance,object> value, bool add) + 0x13b bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.InstanceCache.getCache(System.Type type) + 0x51 bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.InstanceCache.Get(System.Type pluginType, StructureMap.Pipeline.Instance instance) + 0x1d bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.BuildSession.CreateInstance(System.Type pluginType, StructureMap.Pipeline.Instance instance) + 0x1b bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.BuildSession..ctor.AnonymousMethod__1() + 0x19 bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.BuildSession.CreateInstance(System.Type pluginType) + 0x18 bytes    
     StructureMap.dll!StructureMap.Container.GetInstance(System.Type pluginType) + 0x4e bytes    
     EPiServer.Framework.dll!EPiServer.ServiceLocation.StructureMapServiceLocator.DoGetInstance(System.Type serviceType, string key) + 0x29 bytes    
     EPiServer.Framework.dll!EPiServer.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance(System.Type serviceType, string key) + 0x2b bytes    
     EPiServer.Framework.dll!EPiServer.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance<EPiServer.IContentRepository>() + 0x3d bytes    
     EPiServer.Framework.dll!EPiServer.ServiceLocation.Injected<EPiServer.IContentRepository>.Service.get() + 0x25 bytes    
     EPiServer.dll!EPiServer.DataFactory.Save(EPiServer.Core.IContent content, EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction action, EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel access) + 0x2a bytes    
Oct 24, 2014 16:41

Found the cause of the problem.
In our own dependencies there was a dependency resolver to use DataFactory.Instance as IContentRepository (due to not always having a context when needing the ContentRepository). When I removed it, the error disappeard.

Thanks for making me take a second look. :)

Oct 24, 2014 17:04
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