It is just a static boolean property that you typically you would like to set during initialization so you could do it either in Application_Start or in an IInitializableModule.
What am i doing wrong:
I want to add the slash and also make the url lowercase..
this is my initialization module but url stays the same without slash and no lowercase:
Am i doing something wrong?
[InitializableModule] [ModuleDependency(typeof(EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule))] public class RoutingInitialization : IInitializableModule { public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { //Add initialization logic, this method is called once after CMS has been initialized RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); EPiServer.Web.Routing.ContentRoute.UseTrailingSlash = true; EPiServer.Web.UrlSegment.UseLowerCaseSegments = true; } public void Preload(string[] parameters) { } public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { //Add uninitialization logic } }
How do I make sure UseTrailingSlash is set to true? Do I add the following to my global.asax Application_Start or is it something that has to be activated in web.config?
EPiServer.Web.Routing.ContentRoute.UseTrailingSlash = true;
My mission is to make to automaticly add a slash at the end, so it ends up when the user tries to access it.