Custom content editor



When working with custom content which is the most straight forward way to implement custom editorial possibilities?

For example, let say that I’ve a custom content that represents a Car, I don’t want my Car entities to be stored as a pages or any other built-in entity because it’s just a data entity.

The part of creating, storing a querying the Car entities programmatically is straight forward. But I want my editors to be able to edit the Car-objects inside of EPiServer UI, in a similar way as they work with blocks.

As I can see it there are different ways of accomplish this. I could create a custom content provider for my car entities and use a component with a building in dojo-widget to make the Cars available next to the block list. This approach would be pretty straight forward and would give me out-of-the-box support for many EPiServer-UI-things. But when thinking about this approach, it doesn’t feel that this should be done using a custom content provider because the data is already living inside of EPiServer as IContent instances and has no relation to any kind of external system.

Another way of making the Car entities editable would be to create a completely custom dojo-widget but this seems pretty overkill and it feels like I would re-implement something that already exists.

How would you recommend me to implement editorial support for my Car objects?


Nov 22, 2014 12:39

You do not need to create a content provider, but you need three things:

-The type (Car)
-A content repository descriptor
-A component to display the items

Check out this blog. You can do the same thing, but skip the actual Content Provider. For the EntryPoint in the repository descriptor set it to an existing folder, like the global assets folder. 

Here is a similar example:

Edited, Nov 24, 2014 10:21

Awesome, thanks a lot!

Nov 24, 2014 11:32

np! Good luck with the cars

Nov 24, 2014 12:51
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