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Delayed publish does not work after upgrade


We noticed that scheduled publish does not work for a site we have just upgraded to 7.5.

The error we get is this:

17.2.1 Error when trying to publish delayed version 14816_65252

System.NotSupportedException: The property PageChangedOnPublish is read-only.
at EPiServer.Core.PropertyBoolean.set_Boolean(Boolean value)
at EPiServer.Core.PropertyData.SetPropertyValue(Object value, SetPropertyValueDelegate doSet)
at EPiServer.Core.PageData.set_SetChangedOnPublish(Boolean value)
at EPiServer.PageEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PageEventArgs e)
at EPiServer.Core.DefaultContentEvents.RaiseCorrespondingPageEvent(String key, ContentEventArgs eventArgs)
at EPiServer.Core.DefaultContentEvents.RaiseCancellableContentEvent(String key, String defaultReason, ContentEventArgs eventArgs)
at EPiServer.Core.DefaultContentRepository.Publish(ContentReference contentLink, Nullable`1 delayPublishUntil, AccessLevel access)
at EPiServer.Core.ContentRepository.Publish(ContentReference contentLink, AccessLevel access)
at EPiServer.Util.DelayedPublishJob.PublishContent(IContentRepository publicContentRepository, ContentRepository internalContentRepository, JobStatus status)

Anyone seen this?

Nov 18, 2014 11:03

The problem I had was that I had implemented that I always set the flag PageChagedOnPublish to true.

This I do in the PublishingPage-event and it works fine on a normal publish but when there is a delayed publish the page object is read only.

This was working in 7.1 and I can not find anything about it in the breaking changes document.

Anyone know why this has changed?

Nov 18, 2014 12:19

There is a configuration settings: UIDefaultValueForSetChangedOnPublish, that you should be able to use to accomplish this in a EPiServer 7.5 site. This also gives the editor an option to unset this for specific content instances, for instance when just updating a spell change.

Nov 19, 2014 11:00

Thanks Linus, this was exactly what I was looking for in the first place. Changing to this now.

Nov 19, 2014 11:27

Linus, is this possible to accomplish on just one spesific page type? I.e with some kind of event? Seems like the properties SetChangedOnPublish and this[MetaDataProperties.PageChangedOnPublish] is read only. 

May 10, 2017 8:49
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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