FindPagesWithCriteria FilterForVisitor not working correctly



We have two issues with our EPiServer 7.10 but they may be related. We have a page which is visible to everyone. On this page we have a block which fetches a filtered list of sub-pages, data from which is then displayed in an accordion on the page. The pages that are returned in the filtered list have visitor groups assigned so depending on where in Australia you're viewing the page you will see different content.

The first issue we have is when previewing the page using EPiServer's inbuilt "view as this visitor group" feature, the content doesn't change based on the selected visitor group. The full list is always displayed.

The second issue is when viewing the page as a normal visitor i.e. not logged into EPiServer. No matter what visitor group has been assigned, no one can see any of the pages that have been assigned a visitor group, even if they are located in the correct location as setup in the visitor group.

We're using DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria and then applying FilterForVisitor.Filter to retrieve the list of pages.



Dec 08, 2014 2:50
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