Just for reference its the same on the Epi alloy demo site.
Epi 7:
<div data-epi-property-name="MainContentArea" data-epi-property-rendersettings="{"cssclass":"row equal-height","tag":"span12"}" class="clearfix">
Epi 7.5:
<div class="row equal-height epi-editContainer" data-epi-property-name="mainContentArea" data-epi-property-rendersettings="{"cssclass":"row equal-height","tag":"span12"}" style="min-height: 940px;">
We have some issues in the cms after upgrading to epi 7.5.
In epi 7 the content area looks like this
<div class="epi-editContainer" data-epi-property-name="MainContentArea" data-epi-use-mvc="True" data-epi-property-rendersettings=../>
in epi 7.5 the content area look like this
<div class="OurCssClass" data-epi-property-name="MainContentArea" data-epi-use-mvc="True" data-epi-property-rendersettings=..>
where "OurCssClass" is the class that we set in @Html.PropertyFor( { CssClass = "OurCssClass"..).
Is it supposed to be this way?