My guess is that you are missing EPiServer program files on the server. Take a look at the appData folder located above the wwwroot folder. The path to this folder is located in episerverframework.config (from 7.5 version, this path is relative).
Thanks Mari.
Let me check that. Its showing <div class="epi-contentfragment">ArticleListBlock 1</div> as HTML where exactly a block should be loaded.
Setting up the appData folder should at least give you access to login page and episerver UI.
I have created an EPiServer MVC Project using EPiServer7.5 through visual studio. It works fine on my development machine. Then, I published the project and uploaded to my web server and connected to database. The blocks are not at all loafing on the page. Also, I am not able to view login page. Its showing HTTP 404 error. What am I doing wrong? Any idea?