I'm not really sure what you mean here? Could you describe your problem a little more i detail, please?
I'll try and explain in more detail.
You have two users in the system who manage “Articles”. ArticleUser1, and ArticleUser2.
Both users have permissions to create Articles (under a given parent page).
However, they can’t publish content that THEY have created.
So, ArticleUser1 creates a new Article (“page1”), and sets it “Ready to publish”.
ArticleUser2 goes in, and approves and publishes the page.
ArticleUser2 then creates their own Article (“page2”), and also sets it “Ready to publish”.
ArticleUser1 logs in. See’s that “Page1” is published, and then publishes “page2”
I release this is an unusual situation, but it is a requirement of our client.
If articles are not under the same node, you could use one of the built-in approval workflows.
You can find more info in administration manual: http://world.episerver.com/Documentation/Items/Manuals/
They are very likely to be under the same node.
I've been looking at workflows separately (not used them before)
I’ll see where I get to with them, thanks
Or they can be under the same node, and in that case you could use 'Parallel approval of pages'
I thought Parellel just meant that a certain number of approvers have to approve page before it gets approved?
But, they can do so at hte same time, not one after each other?
My initial limited testing seems that even if you have a workflow going, you can just publish it anyway skipping the workflow steps? Seems to make the workflow process pointless tbh.. unless I'm missing something.
You can create your own workflow if none of the built-in ones suit your needs, and make sure the workflow is not possible to skip.
They can skip the workflow if they have Publish permission.
Make sure they don't have Publish / Administer permission and they'll only have 'Ready to Publish' option available.
You can also set the minimum number of users that have to approve the content.
I did more testing.
1. The user that creates the content must not have Publish permission, otherwise he can skip the workflow.
2. The user that approves the content must have Publish permission, otherwise he can't approve it.
I'm not sure if this is how it worked in EPi 6. I'm not 100% sure but I think that approvers didn't have to have Publish permission.
Anyway, you will have to write your own workflow for this scenario.
Thanks Dejan,
That was the result of my testing also.
It'll see if creating a custom work flow is an option (budget etc), but otherwise, we can have a two stage approval, but just ensure that there is a business rule not to skip the process..
Is it possible that a user can't publish their own content, but can do so for someone else at the same level in the CMS?