You need to change your forms url to the members page. I may be misunderstanding but this change is done in the web.config. I assume you have your own members login page that you want as the default.
Assuming the above;
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".EPiServerLogin" loginUrl="MembersLogin.aspx" timeout="120" defaultUrl="~/" />
Because EPiServer Shell is using system.web settings by changing forms auth login page url you are affecting also "admin" users in cases when they will just type "/cms" (or any other path that is configured for EPiServer Admin UI).
Admin users will have to know that they must type "/util/login.aspx" or any other configured path for accessing EPiServer login screen. Even after they have typed correct user/password combination - they may not see EPiServer Dashboard immediately... They will have to type "/cms" explicitly once again..
Also "Login" link will not work at "Logged out" screen..
Can you tell me the best way to restrict users from certain pages in the website?
For example: George123 has been set up in the CMS to have access to the About Pets page on the site and the Everyone group have been revoked access.
If George123 logs in to a front end Members Page he can view the page as required. BUT if somebody else tries to view the page they get redirected to the CMS login screen. Can this redirect be changed to the Members login page - we do want Admin users to be able to access the CMS as normal.