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Trigger partial routing even when page exists


The title isn't very clear sorry about that. :) Here's my problem:

I have a "List" page which has a drop down filled with the names of all the child pages. The child pages can be all sorts of different pages who all have their own templates, standard pages etc.

Assume the following structure






When a user then selects an item in the drop down, specific data of that selected page is displayed on the "List" page. Easy enough.

However, I do not want to use a query string like page=2014 or something similar.
Instead what I want to do is /Releases/2014.

So, if I have a page which is a child of the "List" page, the "List" page should be rendered instead (as if the Release page was requested) instead of the requested child page and display the data of the requested child page, just as if a query string would've been used on the "List" page.

should produce the same result as

I've tried to solve this using partial routing, but it won't trigger unless the page doesn't exist. Is there a way to "prioritize" my partial routing or am I going about this all wrong?

Mar 21, 2014 19:46

We had about the same problem and we solved it with a combination of partial routing and section routing (see thread here)

I am about to write a blogpost on how to do it, but the key thing is that section-routing is handled first and partial after.

Mar 25, 2014 8:14

Oh great Henrik, keep me updated! :)

Just curious, what exactly do you mean when you say "section routing"?

Edited, Mar 26, 2014 13:51

I mean a lite type error :)
The thing I mean is segment routing.

I will get back with a post soon but for now read this post by Joel and you might get there before I am finish

Mar 26, 2014 13:59

Thought so, just wanted to make sure!

Thank you! :)

Mar 26, 2014 14:00
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