What if editor will move around files in asset panel - you would like to reflect new changes back to physical storage (e.g. keep them in sync)?
Yes, I'd like the folder structure shown in the asset panel to be reflected inside a physical directory in the site root.
So, if files are moved/renamed, this is reflected.
Is it possible to have EPiServer store images on disk in the same path as they appear on the site:.
For example, I have an image with the following URL: http://mysite.local/globalassets/logos/atomized-media-free-vector-logo.jpg
But on disk, this is inside the app_data/{guid}/{guid}.jpg..
I'd like the URL path to match the physical folder path.
We are using ImageResizer (the version on NuGet that was made to work with 7.5).
Our ultimate goal is to have ImageResizer running on its own sub-domain, to work with an origin pull CDN.