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Bug in EPiServer 7.6.5? caused by tinymce and epidynamiccontent plugin


After upgrading my site to EPiServer 7.6.5 I got some strange errors in edit-mode. When I click on something that will load a tinymce editor  I do get this javascrpt error: undefined is not a function

It is tinymce.dom.add that is undefined on row 175 in epidynamiccontent/editor_plugin_src.js.
var mouseDownEvent = tinymce.dom.add(tinymce.DOM.doc, 'mousedown', self._handleButtonsClick, self),

After this error has occured almost nothing works anymore in the edit-mode.

I did disable this builtin epidynamiccontent plugin by removing from the possible tools in for XhtmlString property, and then the CMS works as expected.

Does anyone ahve this problem too?

Apr 16, 2014 14:57

It sounds a lot like this bug:


Apr 16, 2014 16:13

Yes, thanks!

Apr 17, 2014 8:41
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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