Customising XForms - Address field with PAF


Before I waste any time trying something that may not be possible, and I've looked for documentation and not found any so I imagine what I may want to do is not possible, I just wanted to ask if anyone has any experience with significantly customing EPiServer XForm Form Fields.

By this I mean is there any practical way for me to add in a new form field into the editor UI, such as a customised version of the text box or text area.

Essentially I wanted to make this a little more user friendly so rather than a user drag in a series of text boxes to create an address UI I could add an address form field that would wrap up a couple of input controls as well as have PAF functionality on the front-end.

I get the impression XForms was never designed with that sort of flexibility in mind.

Apr 14, 2014 17:14
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