Okay, think I've figured it out - I needed to remove CMS, EpiServer.Suite, and Shell from the ../appdata/modules and ../appdata/modulesrepository folders.
Bit confusing, anyone have any source control/deployments tips for EPiServer? I'm just using TFS and web deploy at the moment and I guess I'm going to have to remember a few other steps. But would be good to know what other peoples experiences have been and how they've tackled things like this.
I have an EPiServer 7.5 web project which I've upgraded using NuGet, and I've a QAT site I've set-up which I'm trying to deploy to.
At this stage I've just assumed upgrading my solution and deploying should be fine. I'm mean why not, that'd make sense right?
However I've notice that the editor doesn't work on my QAT instance, I get what look like javascript errors and nothing loads. On looking at what's going on over the network I have noticed though that on my local site I see requests for:
And on my QAT I see:
How do I upgrade my QAT site if I cannot do it directly through updating my solution and deploying?