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It seems like a known bug
No that is not the case here. I have seen that error aswell though.
In this case the ID is part of the url and is a guid, ex
This will get transformed to an internal link to regardless of what guid I have.
Also note that this is just an issue in the production environment. The test environments works like it should and its the same code on both.
Just for info. I had to change the mapping in global.asax from RouteTable.Routes.MapContentRoute to RouteTable.Routes.MapEnterpriseRoutes to get it to work for 7.6 but like i said before the same code works in all other environments.
Ok so more information. I restored the database from production to our test environment and the test envrionment still works as expected.
So the databases are exactly the same, the code is exactly the same. The config files only differ on the connectionstring and VPP folder used for the blobs.
Any input what so ever would be highly appreciated because I cam clueless here :)
Ok so, I think I managed to figure out that the production environment is behaving as expected. Dont know why test is not.
This have to be related to some change between 7.1 and 7.6. Anyone know of a change that transforms an external url to internal if there is a route for that page?
Its is the same for both MapEnterpriseRoutes and MapContentRoute.
We have a dynamic page that loads based on an ID with its own rount. where detailspage is a page in epi.
In our production environment if we set a external link to it gets transformed to an internal link to the details page and looses the ID information.
We can recreate this in any other environment so its a bit strange.
Anyone know if this is a feature and how to turn it off in that case?