Link to commerce content that does not use the internal EPiServer Id


Hi Community


We are developing a commerce site where we also have CMS content. From the CMS pages we would like to create links to commerce items (SKU's). This should be easy, since you can just select to add a Commerce link, when you create a new link in the TinyMCE editor. However when we create this link, it looks as if EPiServer creates the content link based on the internal Id of the catalog item, and this is a problem for us.

With our current import mechanism, we are in a situation where we may have to clean up our commerce catalog once in a while. This means deleting all SKU's and then create them again.

When we create the SKU's again, they will have the same Code as the old and deleted item, but the new SKU gets a new internal ID. This means that all out commerce links break.

Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this?

We have discussed using the SEO URL's of the commerce items, since we can create the same SEO URL's when we reimport our catalog. However the External link feature in the TinyMCE editor always generates fully qualified URL's and not only relative URLs. This is not good when we have multiple hostnames for our site.

Any help and/or suggestions are appreciated.



Apr 28, 2014 10:46


The bad news - Unfortunately the links into the Commerce catalog are not stable across catalog export / import (which is what you are seeing).

The good news - this will be fixed within a few weeks. We have added support for content references on catalog nodes & entries, and as part of this we are also fixing the issues with links not staying permanent.


Keep an eye on 

BR, Magnus Stråle

Apr 28, 2014 13:00

Any news on this subject?

May 15, 2017 15:28


This has been solved since way back - not sure which release it went into but definitely in the Commerce 8.x and later releases.

May 16, 2017 16:49
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.