Anyone not come across this?
Not even the "native" DisplayTemplate view gives a value on form posting.
I removed the DisplayEditor view for SelectFragment and started over which solved the problem.
Must have been an error in the markup somewhere.
Below is the working razor view for SelectFragment.cshtml
@using EPiServer.XForms.Parsing
@model SelectFragment
@foreach (SelectOption selectoption in Model.Options)
<div class="checkbox @(Model.Class.IsEmpty() ? "col-sm-12" : Model.Class)">
<input id="@selectoption.Id" name="@selectoption.Id" type="checkbox" value="true">
<input name="@selectoption.Id" type="hidden" value="false">
When posting a xform value from checkbox is always empty.
The view (SelectFragment.cshtml) looks like this:
@using EPiServer.XForms.Parsing
@model SelectFragment@foreach (SelectOption selectoption in Model.Options)
<div class="checkbox @(Model.Class.IsEmpty() ? "col-sm-12" : Model.Class)">
<label for="@selectoption.Id">
@Html.CheckBox(Model.Reference, selectoption.SelectedItem, new { id = selectoption.Id })
Any ideas?