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Find content with criteria?



So, one would think there would be some way to search for blocks in the same way you search for pages using FindPagesWithCriteria, but I can't seem to find anything. Anyone have a clue or suggestion?


May 06, 2014 10:15

What do you want to find? 

You could use IContentModelUsage like below;

var contentTypeRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>();
var repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
var contentModelUsage = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentModelUsage>();
var myblockType = contentTypeRepository.Load<MyBlockType>();

List<ContentReference> myblockTypeReferences = contentModelUsage.ListContentOfContentType(myblockType).Select(x => x.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion()).ToList();

then you could iterate through your references to get the data you need. 

foreach(ContentReference cref in myblockTypeReferences) {

repository.TryGet<MyBlockType>(cref, out myblock);

or maybe IContentRepository.GetDescendents(ContentReference.BlockFolderToLookIn)

I'm don't think there is a way to search for blocks the same way as FindPagesWithCriteria

May 14, 2014 19:56
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