SSO And EPiServer 7.5


We are in the process of migrating from Drupal to EPiServer 7.5, and we are planning on replacing our hand-rolled SSO with some sort of "real" solution. 

In my reading over the last couple of days, there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about SSO and EPiServer. The most detailed solution was on Ben Morris' blog, that seems to take you about 80% of the way, but then leaves you in a thicket.  In fact, he says explicitly "EPiServer does not provide direct support for claims-based security."  But that's referring to EPi 6. Is the claims-based (i.e. SSO) support more straightforward in EPi 7.5?

The documentation for CMS 7.5 says " EPiServer CMS uses a standard API which makes it easy to create your own provider for any type of user database, as well as third-party providers. It is possible to use Single Sign On with EPiServer CMS, and you can also use mobiles and other security tokens to perform part of the authentication" but there aren't any specifics to back it up. 

It seems like all the detailed posts on EPiServer and federated login are from 2010 or earlier. Is that because it's gotten much easier to implement SSO, or is it that everyone just stopped trying?  :)

We have our credential information in Microsoft Active Directory (LDAP). And we have the flexibility to choose pretty much any SSO server solution, so long as it's not a $50,000 package.

I'd really appreciate any help, as I'm enjoying working with EPiServer, but this is really one of the must-haves for the project.



May 09, 2014 17:24
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