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TinyMCE removes custom attributes



I'm trying to add the HTML 5 sandbox attributes to an iFrame in the TinyMCE editor, except everytime I update, it removes the attributes. I've read how you can get round this in Episerver 6 but when this workaround is applied it tends to break the editor in Episerver 7.5. Can anyone provide any help on how to resolve this issue.

Many Thanks


May 13, 2014 9:11

After much searching I've discovered the answer. I found this blog entry by Chris Sharp who explained why this doesn't work in Episerver 7 and how to get round it.

Here's the code in case the link doesn't work in the future:-

Extended Valid Elements Code

[TinyMCEPluginNonVisual(PlugInName = "TinyMceExtendedValidElements", AlwaysEnabled = true, EditorInitConfigurationOptions = "{ extended_valid_elements: 'iframe[src|frameborder=0|alt|title|width|height|align|name]' }")]
public class TinyMceExtendedValidElements

Empty File Handler (for when the script is missing)

public class EmptyFileHandler : IHttpHandler
    public bool IsReusable
        get { return true; }

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)


Web.Config update

    ... some configuration ... 
    <location path="util/editor/tinymce/plugins">
                <add name="TinyMceExtendedValidElements" path="/util/editor/tinymce/plugins/TinyMceExtendedValidElements/editor_plugin.js" verb="GET" type="MyEPiServerProject.Business.Handlers.EmptyFileHandler, MyEPiServerProject" />


Episerver.Config update

... some configuration ...
<tinyMCE mergedConfigurationProperties="valid_elements, extended_valid_elements, invalid_elements, valid_child_elements" />


Edited, May 13, 2014 10:50
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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