I fixed this. Apparently it's not a good idea to use ids on the inputs which the GeoPointProperty-template does.
From Stackoverflow
It's normally bad form to do this as it can result in duplicate ids when you use a widget more than once on a page. This can result in the duplicate id error you describe in the title.
I'm trying to create a custom property or rather do changes to the OpenWaves GeoPointProperty. I've altered it to store an adress aswell.
I can open up "All properties"-view and edit the property and save and publish it with success.
The problem is when I open up "All properties" and then go back to On-page edit (or publish page) and after that tries to open up "All properties" - view again. I get the following javascript error;
dojo/parser::parse() error
message: "Tried to register widget with id==inputLatitude but that id is already registered"
...and the "All properties"-view won't load.
inputLatitude is an input of type dijit.form.NumberSpinner
Anyone seen this before?