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Multiple Blob Providers


I am using S3 to store our media assets using the Amazon blob providers, and this is working to an extent.

My question is with regards to when you have more than one blob provider.  For instance, if we have two S3 buckets, I can set up a blob provider that points to each, but it seems like all uploaded content goes to the one that is marked as default.  

Is there any means of letting the user select which of the two buckets the media they upload goes into?


Jun 19, 2014 22:23


Right now, all media files will come to the provider which's marked as default.

But mapping between BlobProvider and MediaData throught:

public virtual Uri BinaryDataContainer

So you can create media types and override the property for each provider: (image for S3, video for YouTube ... for instance)

// Ha Bui

Jun 20, 2014 6:14
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