"Set access rights"-dialog is missing row selection



Admin -> Access rights -> Set access rights -dialog used to contain select boxes for selecting which changes to run recursively. This made possible to remove specific roles. Can't find the boxes from the new 7.5 dialog, which causes a real nuisance.

Consider a scenario where you wish to remove all rights from a specific user/role. In new episerver this seems to be impossible, unless you remove the user/role.

Episerver 7.0

Episerver 7.5

Funny thing is that the 7.5 dialog seems to still contain the input fields, but they are hidden. Do you know if I can "fix" the dialog by just changing the visibility back to normal?

I wonder what on earth made Episerver to hide them in first place..

Jun 25, 2014 14:46

Images are missing from the first post; seems that editor "Insert/edit image" doesn't work so I'll just paste the links.

Episerver 7.0: http://i.imgur.com/fpek5h2.png

Episerver 7.5: http://i.imgur.com/ct9L3wI.png

Edited, Jun 25, 2014 14:48

Would be interesting if EPiServer could give a response to this? This is something I really miss from the previous versions. 

Nov 04, 2014 9:26
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