I did have similiar issue but fixed it adding the other connection strings from the azure management using custom as the type of the connectionstrings (with other i mean the strings that are not sqlclient).
Hi, Antti,
Thx for your answer, can you send the example of connectionstring that solved this for you?
login to the azure portal and navigate to 'WEB SITES' -> Click your site -> Click Configure from the top menu -> Scroll down to connection strings
- add your EPiServerAzureBlobs and EPiServerAzureEvents connection strings here (assuming you have used the same names as in the official sample)
- also assuming that you don't currently see these connection strings here
My EPiServerAzureBlobs connection string value: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[MY_ACCOUNT_NAME_HERE];AccountKey=[MY_ACCOUNT_KEY_HERE]
My EPiServerAzureEvents connection string value: Endpoint=sb://[MY_BUS_NAME_HERE].servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=[MY_SHARED_ACCESSKEY_HERE]
And both have the Custom selected from the dropdown.
ACCOUNT NAME and ACCOUNT KEY values are taken from the portal start page (ALL ITEMS in the left menu): at the bottom Manage Access Keys (storage account name and primary or secondary access key)
BUS NAME: click service bus from the left menu and select your service bus (BUS_NAME == Namespace name) and click configure from the top menu
SHARED ACCESS KEY value is from SERVICE BUS from left menu -> Configure from top menu -> Copy your shared access key form here (primary or secondary)
In web.config I still have those connection strings defined and they are published to azure but I think those were discarded because they don't have the providerName attribute present.
Thx a lot, Antti! I wasn't aware I should add the connectionstrings to Azure as well, rather than just adding them to web.config file. It's up and running now :)
Hi, I want to deploy AlloyTech to Azure.
I have followed the official instructions and got pretty far. My local environment now works as expected, however, the deployed site doesn't, with the following error:
I do have the connectionstring defined:
I am using the same web.config file locally and in Azure.
I don't have any spaces in the connectionString, as some of the StackOverflow answers to the same error suggest.
Any ideas?