November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.

Language routing


I have tried to generate URL of POST action and faced the following unclear situation:

”Name in URL” of the test OrderHistoryPage for fi-SV locale is “orderhi-fisese”
    1) @Url.Action("PostMethod","OrderHistoryPage")
        gets the following link: /se/orderhistory/PostMethod/

    2) @Url.Action("PostMethod","OrderHistoryPage", new
               language = ContextHelper.GetPreferredCultureName()
         leads to the following link: /se/orderhi-fisese/PostMethod/

    3)  When I tried to get url action of other page:
          @Url.Action("FindProduct", "OrderFormPage", new
               language = ContextHelper.GetPreferredCultureName()
           gets the following result: /OrderFormPage/FindProduct?language=sv-FI

Could anyone please clarify me the language routing mechanism?

Is it possible to unify the returned result?

Thank you.

Aug 26, 2014 18:05

Стукни skype max.itmint

May 11, 2016 17:50

Are you trying to generate link from "se" culture page to "fi-SV" culture page? I can't find culture code "fi-SV" anywhere in offical tables.

May 11, 2016 22:15
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.