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Full text search not returning assets


I have pdf files that are uploaded to the asset manager and I want to be able to search on them using the episerver full text search functionality. I am building off of the Alloy MVC sample project.

I added these content references (SiteDefinition.Current.ContentAssetsRoot, SiteDefinition.Current.SiteAssetsRoot, SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot) to the call the Search in the SearchPageController.

The class that represents pdf files extends MediaData so it should match the query in the SearchService.

The only guess I have is that the assets are not being indexed. I did rebuild the index but I don't know how to ensuer that the index includes media.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sep 05, 2014 19:28
You can try to install the Adobe iFilter 9 and Adobe Reader 9.5.0 svenska version. In most cases these works fine to index pdf files. Also please don't forget to add bin folder's path of iFilter installation "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms\bin" to PATH in system environments in the environment variables here you can find the iFilter 9 and also you can find Adobe reader 9.5.0 from this ftp address too.
Edited, Sep 08, 2014 9:24
You can try to install the Adobe iFilter 9 and Adobe Reader 9.5.0 svenska version. In most cases these works fine to index pdf files. Also please don't forget to add bin folder's path of iFilter installation "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms\bin" to PATH in system environments in the environment variables here you can find the iFilter 9 and also you can find Adobe reader 9.5.0 from this ftp address too.
Sep 08, 2014 9:28

Sorry. Let me clarify. I am not trying to search for the contents within the pdf, just the episerver properties of the media content like Name.

Sep 09, 2014 2:27

Hi Alex,

Have you solved this problem?I am also stuck with the same problem.I can not able to search pdf documents with its content.I have tried Adobe iFilter 9 and Adobe Reader 9.5.0 svenska version but still does not work.

Hope you do not mind me posting it here.

Feb 27, 2017 13:09
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