Customize Module for search images



I need to customize my "Search Images" module in Customize Community -> Moderation -> Media -> Images -> Search Images tab   adding a new search field.

My Images have some Predefined tags and what I want to do is to search them by this tags

I have already added the new field in SearchImageControl.ascx but I can not find how/where to add the codebehind code.

Any suggestions?


Jan 14, 2015 15:04

Hi guys, 

I was able to add new fields under [Community] -> [Moderation Mode] -> [search images] extending the class "SearchImageControl.ascx" and "ImageListControl.ascx".

The search works properly but I have a wrong pagination. 

It seems that the dataListImages (the default EPiServer dataList that cointains the Images) always have the same size before my filter.

So, I find the correct results, with only images that match whit my filter, but with a wrong pagination.

Below my code for "ImageListControlExtension.cs" :

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
ImageCollection imgCollect;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExtendedImagesModule.imgStatus) && !ExtendedImagesModule.imgStatus.Equals("---"))
imgCollect = ((EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery.ImageCollection)(dataListImages.DataSource)); 
imgCollect= search(imgCollect);   // Return a filtered ImageCollection

dataListImages.DataSource = imgCollect; // Reassign a new datasource to the default dataListImages (that show the images list)

Any idea what could be causing this?


Jan 22, 2015 12:24
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