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Mirroring on CMS 7.5+ and Commerce



A customer wants to mirror parts of a CMS 7.5+ site that also contains EPiServer Commerce.

The part of the site (subtree) that is to be mirrored contains only ordinary PageData, BlockData and MediaData. I.e. no commerce or CMO data.

The documentation on content mirroring says: "Note that EPiServer CMO and EPiServer Commerce do not support mirroring.".


Is this an initialization error making it totally impossible to mirror any site using Commerce or is it just a matter of avoiding trying to mirror commerce/CMO data? Can it be mediated by selecting a sub bransch of the EPiServer page tree to avoid the Commerce data?

Is there a fix coming from EPiServer? When can we expect it?

What is the best workaround?

Can we create a custom mirror provider, inheriting from MirroringTransferProviderBase?

Do we have to create a custom, totally separate mirroring module that doesn't depend or build on EPiServers mirroring architecture? We want to avoid this at all costs as it will cost the customer money both to develop and to maintain.

Develop a Content provider that serve pages and content from the source site? I guess this will mean rewriting a lot of symbolic links as these point to resources on the source server.


Anybody know anything about this and/or a workaround?


The error we currently get is:

"Failed to check system, the reason is 

Error executing task "SpeglingTeman": Cannot resolve dependencies for the following module(s)




Jan 08, 2015 14:24
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