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Remote Events



I'm having a problem with Remote Events. I have the following configuration:

Server #1


Server #2:


The problem is that when I deploy a new version of the application, I'm getting the error: «The TransportManager failed to listen on the supplied URI using the NetTcpPortSharing service: the URI is already registered with the service». I've seen this post already and tried to disable overlapped recycling in IIS (IIS 8.5.9600.16384) and I'm still getting this error. Recycling the Application Pool fixes this problem.

I also read a blog post that says you can stop the Application Pool right before you deploy then start it after the deployment is successful. I haven't really confirmed that this works as the error only happens sometimes - I will never be sure if it's really working.

General info:

  • Both servers are editor servers e.g. both servers need a service element and a client element in the web.config.
  • Remote Events are working. The only problem is when I deploy a new version.
  • I have enabled the NetTcpPortSharing service on both servers.

Are anyone else having this issue?

Jan 28, 2015 15:50

By the way.

This is a multi-site application.

Jan 28, 2015 15:51


I would say that the message is actually on wrong level, it should be a warning message and not an error message. 

It may happen when there are ovelapping appdomains running the same site (e.g. one going up and the other one being tied down). What will happen in the appdomin coming up is that the above error will be captured and it will enter a retry loop and try to set it up again. 

It is only if you see the message three times within 5 secs (three retrys with 1500 ms delay) there is a real problem.

Jan 29, 2015 15:10

Thanks for your reply, Johan.

My question still remains unasnwered.

However, it seems like recycling the App Pool worked, but I feel this is a work around and it doesn't resolve the actual problem. The problem is still there. We're just forcing the App Pool to recycle. Still I wonder why disabling Overlapped Recycling in IIS doesn't help. Another worker process shouldn't start before the old one is terminated. Maybe it's in the same worker process? It would explain why settings this configuration doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Jan 29, 2015 20:31

Hi Andreas,

Did you manage to get this one resolved. I seem to be facing exactly the same problem.



Jun 29, 2016 14:57
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