Using UIDescriptor to set defaultview causes javascript errors



Following this post:

I've created the following UIDescriptor, to let all my pages inheriting from BaseViewPage, show in AllPropertiesView:

    public class BaseViewPageUIDescriptor : UIDescriptor
        public BaseViewPageUIDescriptor() : base("epi-iconObjectPage")
            DefaultView = CmsViewNames.AllPropertiesView;

However, this results in a massive amount of javascript errors in the console, like:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at (dojo.js:15)
    at _13d.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _6a9.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _127b.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _1a2a.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at Object.addWidgetToRootFunction (widgets.js:2)
    at null. (widgets.js:2)(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2_2cd @ dojo.js:15dojo.Deferred._2ca.then.then @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ @ dojo.js:15_5e3._createWidgets @ widgets.js:2(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ dojo.js:15_c8 @ dojo.js:15_36 @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ dojo.js:15_37 @ dojo.js:15_7c @ dojo.js:15_f0 @ dojo.js:15req.injectUrl._10a @ dojo.js:15
widgets.js:2 TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined
    at _68.placeAt (widgets.js:2)
    at _1a2a.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at Object.addWidgetToRootFunction (widgets.js:2)
    at null. (widgets.js:2)
    at lang.hitch (dojo.js:15)
    at _2f2 (dojo.js:15)
    at Promise._2fe.then._2ff.then [as then] (dojo.js:15)
    at when (dojo.js:15)
    at _5e3._createInternal (widgets.js:2)
    at null. (widgets.js:2)(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2_2cd @ dojo.js:15dojo.Deferred._2ca.then.then @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ @ dojo.js:15_5e3._createWidgets @ widgets.js:2(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ dojo.js:15_c8 @ dojo.js:15_36 @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ dojo.js:15_37 @ dojo.js:15_7c @ dojo.js:15_f0 @ dojo.js:15req.injectUrl._10a @ dojo.js:15
5widgets.js:2 TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at (dojo.js:15)
    at _13d.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _6a9.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _127b.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at _19e (dojo.js:15)
    at _1a2a.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at Object.addWidgetToRootFunction (widgets.js:2)
    at null. (widgets.js:2)(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2_2cd @ dojo.js:15dojo.Deferred._2ca.then.then @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ @ dojo.js:15_5e3._createWidgets @ widgets.js:2(anonymous function) @ widgets.js:2lang.hitch @ dojo.js:15_c8 @ dojo.js:15_36 @ dojo.js:15(anonymous function) @ dojo.js:15_37 @ dojo.js:15_7c @ dojo.js:15_f0 @ dojo.js:15req.injectUrl._10a @ dojo.js:15
widgets.js:2 WidgetFactory: Could not resolve one or more widgets

If I uncomment the line DefaultView = CmsViewNames.AllPropertiesView, no javascript errors are thrown.

Am I missing something?

Best regards


Oct 07, 2015 10:50

EPiServer.CMS.UI 8.6.1


if that makes any change :)

Using the source javascript files, it seems that the errors are preceeded by this message:

Query is out of date, you must observe() the query prior to any data modifications(…) "Error: Query is out of date, you must observe() the query prior to any data modifications
at /EPiServer/Shell/

... stacktrace...

at Promise._2fe.then._2ff.then [as then] (/EPiServer/Shell/
... stacktrace...

Edited, Oct 11, 2015 15:56
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