ImageResizer not transforming images from EPiServer without fileextension


I am using and the nuget package for working with image inside episerver. But I have a problem with images without fileextension. This is happening when an editor change the url to an image and removes the fileextension.

I have already tried with the things sugested at, see below. Since episerver is serving the image you might think it should work but sadly not. Anyone with the same problem?

            //This is not working. But should be looked into. Tries to fix images withtout extensions.
            Config.Current.Pipeline.PostAuthorizeRequestStart += delegate(IHttpModule sender2, HttpContext context)
                string path = Config.Current.Pipeline.PreRewritePath;
                //Only work with requests in a certain folder
                if (path.StartsWith(PathUtils.ResolveAppRelative("~/globalassets/bilder/"),

                    Config.Current.Pipeline.SkipFileTypeCheck = true; //Skip the file extension check. FakeExtensions will still be stripped.
                    //Non-images will be served as-is

Feb 02, 2015 15:46
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