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Can't access edit-mode after upgrading to 8.0


Hello! After upgrading to 8.0, I can't no longer access edit-mode. I get this url after trying to access it:


and "The resource cannot be found".

If I look in episerver.config the ui-path is set to this: 


Thanks in advance!

Mar 04, 2015 10:17


Mar 12, 2015 12:43

try /episerver/cms

Mar 12, 2015 12:50

Then I get redirected to blablabla.local/Not-found/.

Mar 12, 2015 12:56

search for "EPiServerUI" in web.config, try the location paths you find EPiServerUI in.

Mar 12, 2015 13:03

I find two:

<location path="util">

<location path="epiui">

none of them works.

I tried replacing them with location-tags (and all its children) from a project where the UI works, but it still generates the same problem.

Mar 16, 2015 15:15

This is in the database now, look at the the table sitesettings

Mar 16, 2015 15:40

And it more seems like you does not have the right modules files

you might have to run a script let to move from appdata/modules to _protected/modules

Mar 16, 2015 15:43

Thanks for the reply. I can't find the table "sitesettings", the closest I find is "tblSiteConfig", but I don't find anything related to EpiserverUI there.

Where do I acquire these scripts for moving modules?

Mar 19, 2015 15:54

Sorry, it is not in the database, it is in web config and you have found it and written it in your description, I must have missed it when I read on the phone :-)

If you look in the folder modules\_protected in your web root, what do you have there, any folders?

The script I was refering to is to move addon's and this is not an addon, but it is: Move-EPiServerProtectedModules

Mar 19, 2015 16:08

Yes, but it seems it has been "replcaed" with applicationSettings-tag: 

And the sites section that has been with us for so long is no longer there. Some of it has been moved to the section above (applicationSettings), and some of it to the database.

So I guess that's correct. Here is the contents of that folder:

  • modules/_protected
    • CMS
      • web.config
    • EPiServer.Packaging.UI
      • web.config
    • Shell
      • web.config
    • repository.config


  • modulesbin
    • EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.dll
    • EPiServer.Packaging.dll
    • EPiServer.Packaging.UI.dll
    • EPiServer.Shell.UI.dll
    • NuGet.Core.dll
Mar 20, 2015 8:16

First delete all the files in the modulesbin folder, you do not need them anymore.

See what happens after that

Mar 20, 2015 8:39

I would install a new EPiServer 8 site and compare directories and config from that installation. Specially the modules and modulesbin folder, but also the ..\AppData-folder, it can contain some old files that needs to be removed.

Mar 20, 2015 8:58

Look in this thread and try out the answer there.

Mar 20, 2015 10:22
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