November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
How do we get GetSerchResults to return Community (Relate) information?
This line does not return Community information(Blogs, Realte pages, etc)
EPiServer.Search.SearchResults matches = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance().GetSearchResults(groupQuery, page, pagesize);
It seem that EPiServer.Community.Search does not have a method GetSearchResults so that wont work.
How do we get GetSerchResults to return Community (Relate) information?
This line does not return Community information(Blogs, Realte pages, etc)
EPiServer.Search.SearchResults matches = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance().GetSearchResults(groupQuery, page, pagesize);
It seem that EPiServer.Community.Search does not have a method GetSearchResults so that wont work.