Hi Eric,
Do you see any other Community/Relate content being index or is no community content being indexed at all?
There is a module and a handler in the EPiServer.Community.Search assembly that is there to support indexing and searching for Community entities.
Make sure you have a valid EPiServer.Community/Search section:
<search active="true">
<add type="EPiServer.Common.Security.User, EPiServer.Common.Security" />
<add type="EPiServer.Common.Comments.Comment, EPiServer.Common.Framework.Impl" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.Blog.Entry, EPiServer.Community.Blog" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.Blog.EntryComment, EPiServer.Community.Blog" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.Forum.Topic, EPiServer.Community.Forum" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.Forum.Reply, EPiServer.Community.Forum" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery.Image, EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery.ImageComment, EPiServer.Community.ImageGallery" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.VideoGallery.Video, EPiServer.Community.VideoGallery" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.VideoGallery.VideoComment, EPiServer.Community.VideoGallery" />
<add type="EPiServer.Community.Club.Club, EPiServer.Community.Club" />
You can also try and set the defaultNamedIndex and defaultNamedIndexingService attributes on the search element to your match your EPiServer.Search configuration.
Working the same issue. I can't tell that community content is being indexed at all. Our EPiServer.Search configuration looks like above.
The article you link to mentions:
The SearchModule is responsible for subscribing and unsubscribing to Add, Update and Remove events fired by the FrameworkFactoryBase class while the SearchHandler is responsible for converting a Community entity to an IndexRequestItem and calling the UpdateIndex method in the FTS Client.
We are currently not hooking in to those events -- I guess we assumed that community content was indexed automatically without any special code on our side. In retrospect, I'm not clear how the URIs for these resources woudl be resolved without my help though. Is the fact that we are not manually add/updating/removing Community content from the index the likely culprit?
Can someone post an exapmle of how EPiServer Search index service is configured in web.config to be able to index Relate/Community Blogs and Blog Entries? We have an issue where blogs and Entries are not being indexed by the serch indexing service. The CMS PageData is being indexed but not Blogs.