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Can add some more info on this issue:
The Assets pane in edit mode is completely empty, no folders or items.
If you click "add folder" in the assets pane, nothing seem to happen, but if you look at the "set access rights" in admin mode, there is a "new folder" item created directly under the root container.
Running stored procedure 'netContentRootList' in sql manager get 1889 & 1890 as id for the Globalassets and ContentAssets respectively.
If I go to edit mode and manually enter the url for these ID's, I will get the same file and folder list as a working epi site. Also, I can edit media assets (like images) just fine if it enter the content id in the url.
Steps to reproduce:
Migrate EPi 6 R2 website -> 7.0 -> 7.5
Can you check if the media asset contents present in tblContent? What are their statuses?
Hi Quan,
There are data in tblContent. What do you mean by status?
BR Jens
I meant information such as their fkParentID, ContentPath and ContentType. Are them correct?
So we have just about resolved this, the bad guy was a json converter that worked just fine on at least 5 other sites, but on this one it seem to have disturbed the block tree somehow. It was part of a specialized property we didnt use anyways.
I rather not post the code here as it might be indexed and since it can break the edit mode we wouldnt want anyone to use it, but anyways, the actual code that broke the block tree is shown is this pastebin:
The WriteJson method (and subsequently the ConvertTo method) will get called a few times for both the site root page and the content assets root container if you F5 the edit mode, and this breaks the block tree somehow. Removing the JsonConverter service config attribute will make everything work again.
Hi all,
We've migrated an EPiServer 6 R2 website to EPiServer 8 in steps and media assets doesn't show up EPi 8 assets pane (in edit mode). We can't add any files or blocks as well.
Migration steps were these: EPi 6 -> EPi 7 -> Epi 7.5 -> EPi 8
We used the VPP migration tool to convert to media assets. We get errors on some missing files but 99,9 % of the files are converted. No other errors.
This topic is related but no solution:
Anyone got a clue?