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New installation EPiServer 7.5


Hi could anyone help please?

I am trying to install EPiServer on a client machine, this seems to have gone resonably smoothly, however the Alloy MVC site is not running. I can launch the site from IIS however I get the following error:

HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error

Handler "PageHandlerFactory-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

Would anyone know how to fix this and get us running please?

With kind regards, SK.

Mar 17, 2015 17:51

Solved. Looks like it is a simple matter of reregistering the ASP.Net again.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Mar 17, 2015 18:40

I think is not installed properly.. Can you try to run the command

aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Mar 17, 2015 18:42
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