Using alternative way of creating Page Types and Block Types


Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to Episerver 8 (and 7 for that matter),

We have an Episerver 6 implementation which is very specific; we refrain from using Pagetypebuilder and use the functionality to build pagetypes in the Admin mode of Episerver.

This functionality is still working in version 7 and 8, however documentation mainly point towards building pagetypes in code, with it's added advantages. However main disadvantage is that you need a developer to create a new pagetype, and you need to rebuild the site. In our company this is not something that they want. Episerver administrators want to create pagetypes from the admin interface. 

For PageTypes we are able to build it like that. As long as you create views that inherit from PageData a simple change in the pagetype (extra field) and the view can be done without compiling which is great. However BlockTypes don't have this functionality to create them from the admin interface. Is there a way around this? 

Any help is much appreciated.

Mar 17, 2015 11:59

I'm not sure this is of any help, but being able to modify page types through the admin UI is mainly there for legacy reasons.

An EPiServer 7+ site should really be implemented with strongly typed content, as pretty much the entire EPiServer API revolves around content types (as in .NET classes).

Also, if the content types are just added through the UI, it would be difficult to be able to make use of the MVC pattern to map different content types to different views. Essentially a lot of the principles of EPiServer 7+ would be lost. :/

Mar 27, 2015 17:58
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