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EPiServer CMS 6, 7.5 and 8 :: Differences


Hi All,

Can anyone summarize differences between EPiServer CMS 6, 7.5 and 8?

Or any link indicating differences?

Thanks for help in advance.

Apr 17, 2015 12:28

Hi, Vrinda,

I'd say 7.5 and 8.0 are apples from the same tree, the changes between the two are recenly nicely summarized here. If you are on version 7.5+, it is strongly advised to stay up-to-date with nuget package updates that EPiServer issues regularily. 8.0 is major version, but it's still a natural update to 7.5.

That is the main difference between "sevens" and 6 - 6 is sort-of "sealed", while "sevens" is more modern in terms of everything - regular updates, nuget integration, editorial interface.

From code perspective, sevens are also more extensible, testable, editorial interface is more extensible as well. EPiServer 6 supports webforms only, EPiServer 7.5 supports both MVC and webforms (although my personal feeling is that EPi puts more and more focus on MVC).

From editorial perspective, sevens are have more modern look and feel, provides way better experience for creating content for mobile devices, gives possibility for better reusage of created content (blocks), etc.

The requirements are different for 6 and sevens:

Which means that 6 is supported to work on older software and will not be officially supported on newer (although it would probably work).

EPiServer 6 is, just as sevens, a stable platform where you can build almost anything you set your mind to.

However, if you are starting from the scratch on a new site, I would strongly recommend to start from the latest version, since you will easily upgrade to newer versions and with that you will get bugfixes, improvements as well as new features.

Hopefully, I've listed everything, anyone who reads this, pls add your two cents, pls :) I have written this blogpost when we first started with EPi 7 (it has been a while, but might give you some hints: There, you have a link to Joel's blogpost on new content model that is really good starting point for understanding how blocks in EPiServer work, which is one of the important changes.

If you have a specific reason for asking this question, ex. you are considering and upgrade or similar, let us know.



Apr 17, 2015 14:18

Thanks Marija.

Not considering an upgrade, for exactly finding differences between EPiServer CMS 6, 7.5 and 8 for a presentation purpose.

Apr 20, 2015 5:23
<p>Hello,</p> <p>We are planning to upgrade/migrate episerver 6 website to episerver 9.</p> <p>Where can we get the detailed steps for this upgrade?</p> <p>Can we directly upgarde epi6 to epi 9?</p> <p></p> <p>Awaiting fro teh reply.</p> <p>Thanks for the help in advance</p> <p></p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>Rohini</p>
Aug 10, 2016 10:26
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