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URLSegment character mapping



we need to have different mappings for the urlsegment depending on which language is edited. Is there a way to configure this somehow? And also, is there a way to add like "oe" as replacement for "ö"? Today UrlSegment.URLCharacterMap is a char[,] which means that's a problem.


Ps. I have solved this issue with some nasty code, just want to know if there is a best practice I'm missing out on.. :)

May 20, 2015 12:37


I believe you can set the UrlSegment.URLCharacterMap to override the replacement characters, no? It's just a Hastable with set access.



May 20, 2015 13:22

Hi Quan,

I tried that, but if i add/change to a string instead of a char as replacement, I get a cast exception later on.


May 20, 2015 13:30

I guess it's in internal static string ReplaceIllegalChars(string inputString) it happens.

May 20, 2015 13:32


The URLCharacterMap.URLCharacterMap is a public static property. You could try to setup it somewhere in your bootstraper.

May 20, 2015 13:37

Hmm, so instead of mapping character-character you want character-string instead.

I have tried yet but I think you can overwrite the default ContentProvider.GetUniqueUrlSegment and do the stuff here. It calls to UrlSegment.GetUrlFriendlySegment, which unfortunately un-overridable. 

Just not sure if this approach is even nastier than yours :).



May 20, 2015 13:43

Hmm, so instead of mapping character-character you want character-string.

I have tried yet but I think you can overwrite the default ContentProvider.GetUniqueUrlSegment and do the stuff here. It calls to UrlSegment.GetUrlFriendlySegment, which unfortunately un-overridable. 

Just not sure if this approach is even nastier than yours :).



May 20, 2015 13:43

Hehe, I think I'll stick to the current solution. It ignores ä,ö,ü and ß in the character mapping, then in UrlSegment.CreatedUrlSegment I replace them myself with ae, oe, ue and ss.


May 20, 2015 13:50
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