How do you render your property?
If webforms you probably need <episerver:property propertyname="yourproperty" runat="server" />
If MVC you probably need @Html.PropertyFor(x=>x.CurrentPage.PropertyName) (depending on what model the view uses)
I render the property like <%=CurrentBlock.Title%>. I'm working on WebForms.
Hi , i have a similar question...
I have a contentarea where i can place blocks (AccordeonBlock for example, which contains a contentarea for AccordeonItems and those contain a tinyMcE property and 2 string properties.)
If i add Dynamic Content in the tinyMCE (for example a oEmbedPluging instance). How can i render that from within the block..
@using EPiServer.Core @using EPiServer.ServiceLocation; @using EPiServer.Web.Mvc.Html @using EPiServer.Framework.Blobs; @using EPiServer.Editor; @model AccordionBlock @{ var contentLoader = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<EPiServer.IContentLoader>(); } @if( Model != null && Model.Area != null && Model.Area.Items.Any()) { <section class="block block-accordion"> <div class="container"> @if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Title)) { <div class="block-header"> <h1>@Model.Title</h1> @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Subtitle)) { <span class="sub-title">@Model.Subtitle</span> } </div> } <div class="accordion-wrapper"> @if(Model != null && Model.Area != null && Model.Area.Items.Any()) { foreach (var contentItem in Model.Area.Items) { var item = contentLoader.Get<AccordionItem>(contentItem.ContentLink); <a class="toggle">@item.Title</a> <div class="content block-rte"> @item.Body </div> } } </div> </div> </section> }
As you can see i render the tinyMCE as @item.Body. The output of the plugin is then {oEmbedPlugin} .. How can i render the complete dynamic contents from within a such a block?
Shan, if you cannot use the episerver:property-tag, then you might need to do something like this: It's and old article, but I guess it should work nowadays as well...
Vishal, I would probaly have a View for the AccordionItem and use Html.PropertyFor in that View.
I created a block & i drag & drop it into Tiny MCE Editor. But when i see the page it does not render. The name of block is appear. forexample "Test Block Name"