Error with Upgrade\Update-Epidatabase


I am attempting to upgrade Episerver to the current version and tests in our DEV and QA environments have been successful.  When attempting to do so with our Beta site as the final step before applying them to production, I get the following errors:

epideploy.exe :
At C:*********\Development\upgrade\packages\EPiServer.Framework.8.8.0\tools\upgrade.psm1:306 char:4
+ & <><><>< $epiDeployPath -a $action -s $sitePath -p $updatePath\* -c $settings["connectionStringName"] -d (GetVerboseFlag($PSBoundParameters))
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

EPiDeploy was stopped due to an exception, more details:

System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to execute script because validation failed: Not an EPiServer database [7.8.0.sql]
at EPiDeploy.Sql.ScriptRunner.ExecuteScripts(IEnumerable`1 files, Boolean requiresValidation)
at EPiDeploy.Sql.ScriptRunner.
at EPiDeploy.Sql.DatabaseHandler.Execute[T](Func`1 f, Boolean commit)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Common.Executor.Execute(ILocation location)
at EPiDeploy.Deploy.Execute(Options options, ILocation startPosition)
at EPiDeploy.Deploy.Run(Options options)
at EPiDeploy.Program.Main(String[] args)

I am using VS 2013 package manager console to execute the following command:

PM> update-epidatabase

It appears that the first script attempts to run but fails:

Processing ********\Development\upgrade\packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.8.8.0\tools\epiupdates\sql\7.8.0.sql

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Jun 17, 2015 23:04

Okay,  I figured out what the problem was.

I did not notice that the "default project" has changed and was not set to "web".  Once that was updated, the upgrade flew through like it had in the other environments. 

Check your settings people. 


Jun 17, 2015 23:20
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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