Here's our module intializer:
define([ // Dojo "dojo", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/aspect", //CMS "epi/_Module", "epi/dependency", "epi/routes", //PhoenixCMS "phoenixcms/Commands/ScaffoldCommand", "phoenixcms/Commands/CMSHelpCommand" ], function ( // Dojo dojo, declare, aspect, //CMS _Module, dependency, routes, ScaffoldCommand, CMSHelpCommand ) { return declare([_Module], { // summary: Module initializer for the default module. initialize: function () { this.inherited(arguments); //Register the store var storeregistry = this.resolveDependency("epi.storeregistry"); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.testreststore", this._getRestPath("TestRestStore")); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.bbbtagreststore", this._getRestPath("BBBTagRestStore")); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.bbbbundlecodereststore", this._getRestPath("BBBBundleCodeRestStore")); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.givetagreststore", this._getRestPath("GiveTagRestStore")); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.givebundlecodereststore", this._getRestPath("GiveBundleCodeRestStore")); storeregistry.create("phoenixcms.bbbbaselinescheduledscaffoldreststore", this._getRestPath("BBBBaselineScheduledScaffoldRestStore")); //Register global toolbar commands var handle, registry = dependency.resolve("epi.globalcommandregistry"), callback = function (identifier, provider) { if (identifier == "epi.cms.globalToolbar") { provider.addCommand(new ScaffoldCommand(), { showLabel: true, id: "ScaffoldCommand" }); provider.addCommand(new CMSHelpCommand(), { showLabel: true, id: "CMSHelpCommand" }); } else { return; } handle.remove(); }; handle = aspect.after(registry, 'registerProvider', callback, true); }, _getRestPath: function (name) { return routes.getRestPath({ moduleArea: "app", storeName: name }); } }); });
I'll also note that our nuget packages for:
Episerver.CMS.UI, Episerver.CMS.UI.Core, and Episerver.CMS.UI.Sources are all 8.2.1
Hi, Did you find any solution for this? I have exactly the same problem.
// Regards
We have some custom buttons that we load up in the global toolbar section of the CMS. We are using the ModuleInitializer method of doing so and this works great, but ONLY when EpiServerFramework.config has the clientresources debug="true" setting - if it's false then this identifier never gets registered - i see stuff for the publishmenu key coming back but nothing ever for the globaltoolbar. Is there a reason for this?