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If you are creating a widget, then you could use "epi-cms/_ContentContextMixin". It has a contextChanged event which allows developer to take action when content changed.
Just add the mixin and handle the event:
define([ // ... other dependencies "epi/cms/_ContentContextMixin", ], function ( // ... other dependencies _ContentContextMixin ) { return declare("namespace.component", [/*other mixins*/ _ContentContextMixin], { contextChanged: function (context, callerData) { this.inherited(arguments); // handling content hange } }); });
API reference is here.
And very simple example of using _ContentContextMixin is here.
Thank you, this works, but only partially. contextChanged event is not trigered when the content is updated reliably. It seems to be trigered only then current content changes and in some other instances, but actually editing ontent doesn't trigger this event.
Also is there any way to make component run in the background? because this only works if added to the assests pane, but i'd like it to be in background all the time.
I didn't found special event for Saving content. Usually Save occurs on content blur. So maybe you could combine contextChanged event and also try to subscribe to widget blur event:
topic.subscribe("widgetBlur", lang.hitch(this, this.save111));
But it will be executed more frequently than Save action (for example when editor change the content tab).
If you need to run a client side code without adding a gadget you could prepare intialization code in your module.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <module> <clientResources> <add dependency="epi-cms.widgets.base" path="Scripts/samples/commandsInitializer.js" resourceType="Script" /> </clientResources> <clientModule initializer="commands.samples.commandsInitializer"> <moduleDependencies> <add dependency="CMS" type="RunAfter" /> </moduleDependencies> </clientModule> <dojo> <paths> <add name="commands" path="Scripts" /> </paths> </dojo> </module>
The commands.samples.commandsInitializer file have dependency on "CMS" and should be executed after CMS is initialized.
define([ "dojo", "dojo/_base/declare", "epi/_Module", "epi/dependency", "epi/routes", "commands/samples/relatedPagesCommandProvider" ], function( dojo, declare, _Module, dependency, routes, RelatedPagesCommandProvider ) { return declare([_Module], { initialize: function() { this.inherited(arguments); // ... Initialization code ... } }); });
The example comes from my blog where I'm adding new command.
Thank you for your response, it might work. However I'm still missing on part of this:
How should I create this module so that it responds to episerver events? Just creatting it doesn't help. I need to place it somewhere, but I am not sure where. In you example you are placing it in command registry, but this is not suitable for me.
Check out this thread. I believe David Knipe's solution should also solve your issue:
I'am writing code which monitors the currently editable page and shows the error notification for the editor if structure is wrong (for example h1 is mising). I'm doing it in client side, because there are multiple pages and multiple places where h1 could be placed. So I need to detect when the content on the page changes . Does episerver has any events for client side, for example pubblishing content, content changed and similar?