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Media and Block Permissions


After site upgrade the:

Block - +, New Folder, New Block, Paste commands are not accessible.

Media - +, New Folder, Upload Files, Paste commands are not accessible.

These context icon menus are grey scale and not clickable.

Aug 24, 2015 17:13

From what version did you upgrade from and to which version did you upgrade to? 

Have you checked if your account has access rights to the folders by using the Access Rights view in the Admin mode?

Aug 24, 2015 21:44

The access rights settings is a very common issue related with Media Assets.

Access rights

Aug 24, 2015 22:22

Upgrade to 7.5 base version (7.5.394.2)

Thanks, I have looked at this further and the group 'Administrators' did not exist.

I then added user to this group and logged back in and media and block commands are accessible.

Question is what part of the Access rights tree do they get set on?  This site build has alot of custom groups which need to be set and not full 'Administrators' so they can still get to add blocks and assets?

Edited, Aug 25, 2015 12:44

I think that you need create access right to upload files. But if those files should be published automatically you also need publish access rights. And those acces rights should be set on "For all sites" node.

Aug 25, 2015 12:58

The 'For all sites' does not exist.

As the build was a multi site I have traced the change in EpiServer 7 upgrade branch (episerver.config) setting

globalBlockFolderId="5503" siteBlockFolderId="5503"

This corresponds to the Global assets folder ID so presume access rights are needed here.

<li class="parent" id="FullRegion_MainRegion_pageTreeView0_5503">
<span class="icon expand">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="templatecontainer selected">
<a href="5503">Global Assets</a>

I'm not sure how the 5503 id was set in the config maybe during upgrade or manual SQL run to detect ID, the setting is not needed in 7.5  (episerver.config)

Similar to:

Edited, Aug 25, 2015 13:14
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.