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I've tried with a button too, without success.
My project is developed in episerver 8 mvc.
I belive the problem lies in your routing. I'm assuming your post now goes to /BlogPage/Index, but routes for this is not included in the default episerver setup. You could add a standard controller/action/id route in your routetable to make that work, but its not the best solution since it can cause interference with the regular episerver routing.
Since episerver can handle posts to the controllers with actions specified it would probably be best to just write a standard form element with the method=post attribute and skip the action attribute (or use something like #submit). Then you should be posting to the same url that you are currently on and the HttpPost attribute on the action should make it work. If not you can try out giving the action a different name like submit and use the UrlResolver to get the url for the current page and then manually add a /sbmit at the end of that.
I havent tested it myself, but atleast it seems plausible so I would give it a shot.
I've rendered a categorylist as a checboxlist. Now I would like to go to an action in a controller, when clicking a checkbox element. How can I do this