UrlResolver.Current.GetUrl(item.Href) should get you the "real" url. From that I guess you can look at extension etc to decide what icon to choose.
Oh, btw. If you want it as an IContent you can do UrlResolver.Current.Route(new UrlBuilder(item.Href)), then you could probably use the type instead.
Hi everyone,
I have a specific question about the LinkItemCollection property. It holds the LinkItem objects of different types (internal links to pages, external links, email links, links to internal mediafiles etc.). The only property i can find is 'Href' which shows the link. How can i find out what type of link it was?
For instance a pdf file is shown as: /link/46c1ceba004c4d6b9f2fc2bd62c8650a.aspx
Same for internal links to pages.
I can use ' PermanentLinkMapStore.TryToMapped' but this only is part of the solution. Anyone has a good solution for this? My end goal is that i can show Icons at my list of links which vary depending on the type of link.
Thanks in advance,