problems publishing custom property


I have built a custom property based on this blog post:
The property seems to workt to the point where I'm about to publish the values. I dont get any errors in my browser and the js seems to set the correct value in this.onChange(value);.

The example code is for 7.5 and I'm running EPi 8. Is anything changed regading properties or could there be some other problem?

Here is the code I'm running (more or less the same as in the Blogspot post)

    function (array, declare, lang, json, query, domConstruct, on, focus, templatedMixin, widget, textbox, button, valueRequiredMixin) {
        return declare("episerver75.merxteam.productpicker", [widget, templatedMixin, valueRequiredMixin], {
            templateString: "
\ \
\ \
", baseClass: "keyValueItems", keyLabel: "Key", valueLabel: "Value", addButtonLabel: "Add", removeButtonLabel: "X", keyValidationExpression: "", keyValidationMessage: "", valueValidationExpression: "", valueValidationMessage: "", valueIsCsv: true, valueIsInclusive: true, value: null, widgetsInTemplate: true, constructor: function() { this._keyValueItems = []; }, postMixInProperties: function() { this.inherited(arguments); if (this.params.keyLabel) this.keyLabel = this.params.keyLabel; if (this.params.valueLabel) this.valueLabel = this.params.valueLabel; if (this.params.addButtonLabel) this.addButtonLabel = this.params.addButtonLabel; if (this.params.removeButtonLabel) this.removeButtonLabel = this.params.removeButtonLabel; if (this.params.keyValidationExpression) this.keyValidationExpression = this.params.keyValidationExpression; if (this.params.keyValidationMessage) this.keyValidationMessage = this.params.keyValidationMessage; if (this.params.valueValidationExpression) this.valueValidationExpression = this.params.valueValidationExpression; if (this.params.valueValidationMessage) this.valueValidationMessage = this.params.valueValidationMessage; }, destroy: function() { var _a; while (_a = this._keyValueItems.pop()) { _a.div.destroyRecursive(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, focus: function() { try { if (this._keyValueItems.length > 0) { focus.focus(this._keyValueItems[0].div.keyValueItemsNode); } } catch (e) { } }, // onChange: function() {console.log("hey?")}, onBlur: function() {}, onFocus: function() {}, isValid: function() { var isValid = true; array.forEach(this._keyValueItems, function(entry) { var keyTextbox = entry.keyTextbox, valueTextbox = entry.valueTextbox; isValid = isValid && keyTextbox.isValid() && valueTextbox.isValid(); }); return isValid; }, _calculateValue: function () { var value = []; array.forEach(this._keyValueItems, function(entry) { var keyTextbox = entry.keyTextbox, valueTextbox = entry.valueTextbox; if (keyTextbox.value && valueTextbox.value && keyTextbox.isValid() && valueTextbox.isValid()) { var keyValuePair = new Object(); keyValuePair.key = keyTextbox.value; keyValuePair.value = valueTextbox.value; value.push(keyValuePair); } }); this._set("value", value); }, _setValueAttr: function (value) { this._set("value", value); array.forEach(value, this._addKeyValueTextboxesForItem, this); }, _getValueAttr: function () { return this.value; }, _onBlur: function () { this.inherited(arguments); this.onBlur(); }, addKeyValueItem: function () { this._addKeyValueTextboxesForItem({ "Key": "", "Value": "" }); }, _addKeyValueTextboxesForItem: function (keyValueItem) { var div = domConstruct.create("div", null, this.keyValueItemsNode); div.setAttribute("class", "keyValueItemContainer"); var keyTextbox = this._getTextbox(keyValueItem.key, "keyTextbox", this.keyValidationMessage, this.keyValidationExpression); var valueTextbox = this._getTextbox(keyValueItem.value, "valueTextbox", this.valueValidationMessage, this.valueValidationExpression); keyTextbox.placeAt(div); valueTextbox.placeAt(div); var btn = new button({ label: this.removeButtonLabel, main: this, container: div }); btn.on("click", function () { this.main._removeKeyValueItem(this.container); domConstruct.destroy(this.container); this.main._calculateValue(); this.value.isModified = true; this.main.onChange(this.main.value); }); btn.placeAt(div); this._pushKeyValueItem(div, keyTextbox, valueTextbox); }, _removeKeyValueItem: function (div) { var newKeyValueItems = []; array.forEach(this._keyValueItems, function (entry) { if (entry.div != div) { newKeyValueItems.push(entry); } }); this._keyValueItems = newKeyValueItems; }, _pushKeyValueItem: function(div, keyTextbox, valueTextbox) { var o = new Object(); o.div = div; o.keyTextbox = keyTextbox; o.valueTextbox = valueTextbox; this._keyValueItems.push(o); }, _getTextbox: function (value, cssClass, message, expression) { var tb = new textbox({ value: value, invalidMessage: message, regExp: expression }); tb.setAttribute("class", cssClass); tb.on("change", lang.hitch(this, function () { this._calculateValue(); this.value.isModified = true; this.onChange(this.value); })); tb.on("focus", lang.hitch(this, function () { this._set("focused", true); this.onFocus(); })); tb.on("blur", lang.hitch(this, function () { this._set("focused", false); this._onBlur(); })); return tb; } }); });
Sep 04, 2015 17:00

Have you tried different web browser?
I know there is a bug for many in Chrome, see for example this fix:

Sep 06, 2015 20:58
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