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Set access rights to a group of properties on a page


I have a set of properties in a page grouped in different groups (with [Display(GroupName=...)]).

How can I restrict access rights to a set of properties grouped togehter? Generally I don't want the editors to have access to all the page properties, you will have to be an administrator to be able to edit all page properties.

Sep 22, 2015 12:47


There are few options of setting access rights for tabs.

You could used typed tabs

public static class GroupNames
public const string AdminSettings= "AdminSettings";

You could use Admin interface. Go to Admin mode->Config->Edit Tabs and set access rights

And finally if you need to set access rights on property level you could use MetadataExtender. Here is forum thread about it:

Sep 22, 2015 13:12
Sriram raja - Jun 03, 2020 9:06
for this Admin mode->Config->Edit Tabs and set access rights we have not to edit the option. how we could to do
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