with that provider you can not create a user inside EPiServer Admin, you have to use a active directory client.
can you please explain how use active directory client, I am bit new to episerver.
It has nothing to do with EPiServer, is a function inside Windows.
You can for example go to to the Active Directory Server and follow the step here:
Or you can change membership-provider to multiplex and add the sql provider as a secondary provider and do it inside EPiServer, read more about it here:
Hi henrik thanks for the reply. I wanted to create a sqlMembership user from active directory admin logged in user, so that i can set acces rights to other users also who are not within active directory.
I am just guessing that i am missing some configuration in web.config which i need to change. Please let me known .
What happens if you switch order of AD and SQL membership and role providers? I can't remember, but speculating that EPiServer stops trying to create new user at the first provider who replies with "can't create the user, blah blah.."
I found the answer we can use sqlrole,membership first then active directory role,membership. This worked fine, i was able to create sql users as well in episerver
i want to create an user ,i have logged into as active directory administrator. But it saying "Current provider (ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider) does not support creating or registering users"
Please can you let me known how we can create through activedirectory user.