Heres an example of the code im working with that hopefully should be more clear.
Name = "Page Banner",
Description = "The image appearing in the hero area.",
GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
Order = 300)]
public virtual ContentReference PageBanner{ get; set; }
I'd have a folder called /For All Sites/Landing Pages/Page Banners
I'd like to require the user, when editing the property PageBanner to be required to select an image or upload to the mentioned folder.
I suppose you could solve this using Custom validation. Here is a couple of examples:
Hello Timothy
I have not tried this with image selection but I think this post on changing the root for content references may contain the answer you are looking for:
Let me know how you get on.
That sounds like a much better way to handle it than custom validation :-)
I think thats pretty much exactly what I was looking for David, thank you very much. I figured this would be built in but it seems like a simple enough solution.
Hi all,
I'm looking for an answer to the following question (or at least where to look in the forums/documentation, as I havent had any luck yet.):
I want to require a content author to select/upload images from a specific folder for a specific ContentReference property w/ UIHint.Image on a page type. Basically the situation would be having a shared folder for a page type to store images in under the For All Sites media folder, for example: /For All Sites/LandingPage/SomeLandingPageSpecificImageFolder .